Planning Events International Exchange Festival
Bigger dreams, wider stage
The creative planning department of the Korea Cultural Exchange Agency
with professional operation
A more abundant exchange of exchanges unfolds every year
2021 Incheon ONTACT Youth International Music Festival
<Incheon Ontact Youth International Music Festival>, held as a project to support public interest activities in Incheon Metropolitan City, was attended by 12 teams from 5 Asian countries. Chorus, Orchestra, Tradition Various genres such as music meet online, Through music, we deliver a message of hope and harmony to young people who are tired of Corona .

Peace Dance Korea-China Square Dance Festival
As the largest private exchange event since the establishment of diplomatic relations between Korea and China, the Peace Dance Korea-China Square Dance Festival is a representative Chinese popular culture square dance and a senior exchange event in Korea, attracting a total of 4,200 exchange groups over three rounds.
CRK Korea-China-Russia International Culture and Arts Festival
The CRK Korea-China-Russia International Cultural Exchange Festival, held in Weihai, China, Incheon, Korea, and Vladivostok, Russia, is a civic cultural festival held together by citizens of Korea, China and Russia. Invited by the government in Huanqi District, Weihai, Shandong Province, China, the Korean Cultural Exchange Group is in charge of the organizing committee for the Korean Games.

Korean-Chinese Artist Exhibition - Man Seoho Chun
<Korea-China Artist Exhibition - Chunmanseoho>, which continued civilian diplomacy between Korea and China with Korea-China culture and passion, was held in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China. As a venue for cultural exchange between Korea and China, it showed a representative example of sustainable mutual exchange.

Bucheon Fantastic Film Festival 20th Anniversary
Korea-Chinese Film Music Festival
Bucheon Fantastic International Film Festival, which turned 20 in 2016
The Korean-Chinese Film Music Festival was held as an event on the eve of the opening ceremony. On the theme of movie music, Korean and Chinese musicians celebrated BiFan's 20th birthday and shared friendship.

2015 Korea-China Youth Choir Competition
Korean-Chinese youth competed in chorus. In addition to the harmonious melody sung by beautiful voices, friendly exchange events such as youth homestay and cheerful sports were held.

Shanghai International Choral Competition to commemorate the 70th anniversary of liberation
A choral competition was held in Shanghai, China to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the victory in China and the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Korea. Through the victorious harmony between Korea and China, they shared culture and sang peace.
2021 Overseas Exchange City Festival
Siheung City's sister city and youth from China, Japan, Russia, the Philippines, and Indonesia meet via LAN and conduct international exchange! A total of 1,500 youths from 6 countries participated in the stage for international exchanges, such as 'Introducing Our City', 'The World Meets Through Culture', and 'Korea-China Youth Art Exchange Exhibition'.
2019 Asian Youth Cultural Exchange Festival
At the Asian Youth Civilization and Culture Exchange Festival, which recorded the largest scale in a single event, about a thousand young people showed their talents and talents.

2018 26th Anniversary of Establishment of Korea-China Relations
Korea-China Cultural Exchange Festival
A cultural exchange festival was held in Shenyang, Liaoning Province, China to commemorate the 26th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Korea and China. About 200 representative Korean art troupes participated and presented beautiful Korean culture such as Korean dance and Korean traditional music. Co-hosted with the Liaoning Provincial-China-Korea Friendship Association and supported by the Korean Consulate General in Shenyang and the Shenyang Branch of the Korea Tourism Organization, it has contributed to promoting the friendship between Korea and China.

2017 Korea-China-Russia Asian Cultural Exchange Festival
A cultural exchange festival between Korea, China and Russia held at the Pushkin Theater in Vladivostok, Russia! Korea, China and Russia have become one culture.

2016 Korea-China Silver Art Festival
The Korea-China Silver Art Festival, which shares the culture of the silver generation in Korea and China, is a place for cultural exchange through culture and art between the silver generation in the Incheon area and the silver arts group in China.

Korean-Chinese Traditional Culture Festival
The Korean-Chinese Traditional Culture Festival, where the traditional culture with the spirit and spirit of the nation is harmonized, cultural and artistic groups of senior citizens from Korea and China exchanged together on one stage.

70th anniversary of liberation
Daegu Korean-Chinese Choral Festival
The Daegu Korean-Chinese Choral Festival, which melted the field of exchange tightly closed due to the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome MERS! In addition to Daegu City's international exchange project, choirs from Korea and China shared the stage of friendship.